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Motor Licence Issuer

Home » Services » Motor License Issuer

McCauley Agencies is a Saskatchewan Motor Licence Issuer. We can handle all your motor licensing needs including; Vehicle Plates & Registration, Permits, Drivers Licences, Photo ID, etc. 

Most SGI Motor Licence Issuing can now be done both Online and by Phone!

For Phone in Transactions call us at 306 694-4848

For Online Transaction access simply click on the MySGI Online Services Button:


Simply Click on the MySGI Button to access Online SGI Motor Licensing Transactions and Information.

MySGI Moose Jaw Insurance

First time users will be required to register first. The following are the steps to register for MySGI:

Step 1:  Register your email address with SGI. Simply call or visit our office to register your email address with SGI. We will have to verify your identity. You will receive an activation code from SGI by email.

Step 2:  Click on the MySGI Online Services button found on our Web Site (above).

Step 3: Select the “Register” button.

Step 4:  Select “I Have Activation Code” and “Submit”.

Step 5: Follow the onscreen prompts to complete the registration.

Please contact our office at (306) 694-4848 if you need assistance getting registered with MySGI.


The information on this website is intended to provide general information only on the various services, programs and insurance coverages offered by SGI. Nothing in this website is intended to provide legal advice or to be relied on as binding in any dispute, claim, action, demand or proceeding.

The full terms and conditions of the insurance coverages offered by SGI are set out in The Automobile Accident Insurance Act, The Automobile Accident Insurance (General) Regulations, The Automobile Accident Insurance (Injury) Regulations and The Personal Injury Benefit Regulations. In the event of any omission of information from this website, or any contradiction or difference between anything on this website and the Act, the Regulations or other applicable legislation, you must treat the Act or Regulation or other applicable legislation as the full and correct statement of your insurance coverage and your rights and obligations at law.

Copies of the Acts and Regulations are available from the Queen’s Printer Freelaw website.

SGI disclaims all liability for the use of the information contained on this site by any user, including any losses, damages, lawsuits, claims or expenses anyone may incur as a result of using this information. Further, and without limiting the generality of the foregoing, in no event shall SGI be liable for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, punitive, aggravated, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of the information herein even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.

"Our success depends on your satisfaction"

Contact Us

McCauley Agencies Insurance Broker Moose Jaw

453 Main St N, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0W5

(306) 694-4848

(306) 692-2772


Business Hours

Monday - Friday9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Saturday - SundayClosed