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Condo Insurance

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The Reality

Condominium living isn’t like homeownership. You have to share a wall with your neighbour, and deal with a condo board with rules, regulations and responsibilities. But you still own it. It’s your property. Your home. Your oasis.


Condo Pak

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MySGI Moose Jaw Insurance

You’ve personalized it. Changed the flooring. Added a wall. Upgraded the bathroom. It’s your space.

With a Condominium Unit Owner’s Pak, if your sanctuary is destroyed it will be put back the way you had it.

But what if the building is destroyed and it’s your fault? It’s easy to forget about a burning candle, even for a second. You could be responsible for the damages.

What if your condominium corporation is underinsured? Or if there’s damage or an injury in the fitness room or around the pool? All owners may face a share of the responsibility and costs – whether it was your fault or not.

A Condominium Unit Owner’s Pak is there to protect you in any contingency by covering the gaps and shortfalls so you aren’t left holding a bill.

The Coverage

Your belongings are protected with replacement cost coverage so they can be replaced with new items, without depreciation in most cases.

You also get a single amount of protection (SAP) for you to use as needed when you suffer a loss. Based on the assessed value of your property, you get a percentage for each of the following under SAP:

  • 500% for contingent coverage
  • 400% for unit improvement and betterments coverage
  • 500% for loss assessment for loss to condominium property coverage

You can then decide how to distribute the sum of this coverage to get your condo back to the way it was before disaster struck. And while that happens, you also get increased living expenses and/or lost rental income coverage of 200% of your assessed belongings amount.

You’re also protected for:

  • cheque forgery and debit- or credit-card loss
  • identity theft expenses
  • removal of debris after a loss
  • entry damage caused by police officers, paramedics or fire fighters
  • glass breakage

Personal Liability Coverage

Communal living comes with added risk. If you cause a loss, you’re more likely to affect the people living around you – or even the entire building. And if you’re found responsible for the loss of the entire building, it could leave you in financial ruin. You get $1 million in personal liability coverage to protect you when you’re at fault, or when you’re deemed responsible for damages or injuries sustained by others.

Legal Expense Insurance

Under your Condominium Unit Owner’s Pak, you are covered for Legal Expense insurance. This coverage empowers you when you are faced with unexpected legal issues by paying your legal costs to pursue or defend your legal rights for:

  • contract disputes
  • property protection

Receive UNLIMITED access to our free telephone legal advice helpline. You can speak with a lawyer to receive general legal advice for any legal questions you have, whether or not it is included in your coverage.

Legal Advice Helpline 1-855-953-1430

Options to Meet Your Needs

  • Home Systems Protection
  • Additional Identity Theft Coverage
  • Increased Limits Coverage
  • Sewer Back Up Coverage
  • Voluntary Fire Fighting Coverage
  • Special Belongings Coverage for things such as jewellery or coin collections
  • Boats, Watercraft and All-Terrain Vehicle Coverage
  • Seasonal Home and Secondary Residence Coverage
  • Seasonal Home and Secondary Residence Coverage

Rental Home Coverage

Premium Discounts

  • Claim Free for three years or more
  • Your age and number of years continuously insured with SGI CANADA qualify
  • Approved monitored security system
  • Higher deductible
  • Credit Score Discount

The Benefit

A Condominium Unit Owner’s Pak is insurance tailored for condominium owners. You get great coverage at a great price designed specifically for the risks you face. It covers you for both property and liability losses. You can face significant financial hardship if you’re at fault for damaging someone’s property or if someone gets injured by your actions. You don’t want to think about liability coverage, you just want it to be there.

And with single amount of protection coverage, you get easy, flexible protection for your investment and your financial security.

Give us a call about a Condominium Unit Owner’s Pak, it protects you against the what-if situations that can arise through condo living.

This is a general description of the coverages provided. Actual policy conditions govern. For a complete list of Condominium Insurance options, policies and prices give us a call.

"Our success depends on your satisfaction"

Contact Us

McCauley Agencies Insurance Broker Moose Jaw

453 Main St N, Moose Jaw, SK S6H 0W5

(306) 694-4848

(306) 692-2772


Business Hours

Monday - Friday9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Saturday - SundayClosed